2024: The biggest election year in history

2024 is set to be one of the world’s biggest election years in history, making one of the best times to be a politics student especially those who specialise in elections, polling or specific country politics.

One election is set to dominate the world in 2024, the U,S presidential election, which could shift the world’s dynamics and even see the return of Donald Trump (anything is possible). However, its important to acknowledge that many countries are also holding elections this year.

In Europe, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia are all set for legislature or presidential elections. Many question whether the right-wing wave will continue across Europe or will more moderate parties be able to take control and maintain their position.

In addition to this, Belarus and Russia are also set for elections. Whilst many argue that these are authoritarian countries, plagued with election scandals and manipulation. Currently contentious times may see changes to these elections or even political challenges from opponents.

The UK may also see an election, whilst Sunak’s government could host an election at the latest in January 2025 many believe it will be much earlier. Current polls suggest the conservative party will be ousted but six months to a year is a long time in politics, so time will tell.

In Asia, countries which have had recently troubled times will also voting including Sri Lanka which experienced a damning economic crisis and Pakistan who saw riots and violence after ousting ex-prime minister Imran Khan.

Other Asian countries holding elections will be South Korea, Iran (although legitimacy like Russia and Belarus may be debated) , Indonesia , Taiwan and Bangladesh.

South Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan are considered important due to the current significance of the Indo-Pacific region since there are growing tensions between China and Taiwan.

In the Americas, Mexico , Dominican Republic and Uruguay will be voting for their next leader. Furthermore, Venezuela will also be voting, this is especially important as Venezuela is emerging out of a humanitarian crisis and with both Guaido and Maduro claiming to be the legitimate leaders there is likely to be tension and political oppression. Panama is also an interesting case, as recent protests over a mining contract have grounded parts of the country to a halt. There is growing dissatisfaction among the leadership there, so the election may see a change of leader.
El Salvador will also be holding an election, many have praised the current president for his hardline approach to gangs building one of the worlds biggest prisons. So it will be interesting to see if he adds to his seats in the legislature.

In Africa, countries who have faced recent periods of conflict will also be holding elections including Somaliland, South Sudan, Mauritinia, Mozambique and Tunisia which experienced political clashes.

South Africa, Senegal, Togo, Rwanda, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana , Algeria, Chad and Comoros will also be electing new legislatures and leaders.

There is no doubt that 2024 will be a tumultuous year for elections and whilst many argue the U.S 2024 election will be the most significant. In every corner of the world these elections matter. As politics students its important we are aware of these elections especially in smaller countries as they can lead to wider regional issues and affect the dynamics of international relations.

Make sure to keep up to date !


It’s crucial for politics students, staying updated on these elections big or small. It’s interesting and important to be updated on international relations and regional dynamics.

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