Can I use my UK law degree abroad?

Many people (including myself) do not want to stay in the UK their whole lives and want to take on new challenges abroad. So, can you practise law abroad? The short answer is “yes”. However, it is highly likely that you will need to take an extra exam in order to practise. The article below provides a great summary on what you can and need to do in order to work in a different jurisdiction. So good news: you CAN use your law degree in a different country!

Studying and Practising Law Abroad | The Lawyer Portal


This is quite interesting. Which country would you pick to practice law in?

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Hard to choose! I would honestly pick somewhere with nice weather like Spain, Portugal, Italy or maybe even Dubai! British Virgin Islands also sound pretty cool!

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Can definitely see a pattern here🤣 Better and warmer climat lmao


thats so cool! i always recommend studying abroad you get to live new things! its so fun!!!


Ahahahaha, you got me!

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Not the UK though :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye: