Get organised

Plan accordingly

  • Have a planner- weather this is online or physical being able to visualise your tasks and commitments helps you not only be more organised but also calms the mind as it takes the pressure of remembering when to do what off.

    A planner will allow you to divide bit tasks like essays etc in various days making them less overwhelming and easier to tackle.

  • Be realistic about how long stuff is gonna take, and make time for seeing friends, having a sleep in or even being hungover. Being unrealistic about your time might lead to anxiety when the tasks planned for the day dont fit the actual time you have.

  • Schedule in fun time - notting down fun plans for the week will help you have something to look forward to and therefore be more productive beforehand.

  • Prioritise and organise - A busy day can seem overwhelming however knowing which tasks are prioritise can help you break it down. Write down you tasks and the number them from 1-? in order of which ones you will do in chronological order.

    Remember it’s proven that getting the most important or tedious tasks out of the way allows you to focus better the rest of the day.

    Apart from this numbering your tasks helps with the feeling of overwhelm as you only need to focus on the task your doing at the time and then follow the chronological flow plan you created.

Healthy breaks

Having breaks is essential for the mind, here is some ways you can have healthy breaks that will actually relax you mind and won’t lead you into procrastination.

  • Dance - having a little boggie with some of you favourite music helps you relax , produce endorphins ( happy hormones) and keep you motivated.

  • Shower - having a hot/cold shower can help you clear you mind relax and be ready to go, don’t forget to add some nice scents, skin care or shower music for that extra self-care boost.-

  • Exercise - they have probably told you this a thousand times but it does work, exercise is one of the best ways to relax after a tough study session, move you body but also a great way to increase concentration before studying.

    Way you can exercise are though a society, with friends, home-work outs , indoor gym sessions, or going indoor swimming (most places have hair dryers) are a great way to boost your mood and slay your work.

  • Get a cuppa - if it’s more of a short break treating yourself to your favourite ( oat latte?) or making a lovely hot choc at home can be the perfect little distraction to clear you mind in between sessions.

  • Bigger breaks - now if what you are after is a longer break, stuff like cooking , painting journaling, 5- a side, 1/2 a pint at the pub, reading or a little trip for a snack is a great mind cleanser. Maybe you haven’t tried this before do it for the plot, new years resolution. This healthy breaks will ensure your mind actually relaxes and will set you in the mood for concentrating later.

  • Avoid - although it might seem super hard , avoid getting in bed and watching TikToks, this will not only not relax you brain but also set you into a lethargic mood for after.

Use the existing techonolgy

There is an App for everything in 2023, weather is planning your day, blocking your phone, tracking your study time, or organising you calendar there is something out there. Some are more fun, some are straight to the point try a couple of our recommendation and comment on which ones suited you better.


Having breaks is important not only for your own sanity, but for good results too! It’s impossible to produce a good essay or prepare for an exam properly if you’re feeling drained 24/7 :pray:


We are made (and unmade) by our habits.

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