Psychology study tips

Ro a graduate psychologist from Sydney explains her top study tips for university.

  1. Balance is they key

  2. Note taking → Don’t waste your time lecture by not paying attention, classroom note baiting makes you avoid having to do extra work.

  3. Efficient note talking → concise notes, bullet point , main information bits, allow you to actually be able to write everything down as well as makes it easier to look back at notes.

  4. Test preparation → 3 weeks/ month but it varies from person to person
    → having a master word document with all the information you can word search
    → Active revision is the key.

  5. I f you are struggling to starts revision , a timer app might make it more manageable. It’s easier to start with 25 minutes.

  6. Routine on day of exam → set a routine with pumped music or a nice breakfast , wearing nice clothes and preparing might boost your confidnce
    Avoid comparing notes right before the exam to avoid recency effect and right after to avoid anxiety.
    If it come to the night before and you feel unprepared prioritise sleep > study all nighter are really not the way to good grades.

  7. Schedule in all due dates in you calendar and watch her video for even more organisational tips.