How many hours are we supposed sleep?

Sleeping is the best medicine. It has been proven numerous times that sleep plays an integral part in the medical recovery of our bodies. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, brings many downsides: lack of concentration, constant tiredness, memory issues, irritability is linked to many chronic health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and depression. As a student, I find it hard to fall asleep, especially during stressful times (which are constant at this point to be honest) and I can definitely feel the repercussions, as being moody and cranky has become the norm.

But a cup of coffee can fix everything, right? Well, not quite. Drinking coffee may make you feel energised for a limited amount of time, but replacing a few hours of sleep with a cup of coffee will just lead to accumulating more sleep debt to the point where you will forget how it feels to be rested. The table below shows how much sleep we are supposed to get depending on our age:

Age group Recommended amount of sleep
Infants 4 months to 12 months 12 to 16 hours per 24 hours, including naps
1 to 2 years 11 to 14 hours per 24 hours, including naps
3 to 5 years 10 to 13 hours per 24 hours, including naps
6 to 12 years 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours
13 to 18 years 8 to 10 hours per 24 hours
Adults 7 or more hours a night

Are you guys getting enough sleep? Cause I definitely am not!

Effects of Sleep Deprivation


hahah plenty of my friends arent hitting the recommended hours of sleep


Definitely not getting the right amount of sleep, especially being in final year !


I make sure to get at least 7hours of sleep during regular days, but the exam period just messes up my entire sleep schedule.


We are in the same boat here :joy::joy:

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Me neither…and most of my friends as well

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5 hours are bliss during exam periods…


i need like 9h of sleep to function properly :sob: needless to say i never get enough sleep :skull:


i love getting my 8 hours of sleep


So happy to say that at the age of 21, I’m so happy to go to sleep early and get my 7-8 hours of sleep. Honestly, this is when you understand that you’re getting old, as partying isn’t as interesting anymore :joy:


If I manage to get 6 hrs of sleep a night I call it a win, but the other day in psychology we where learning about how impornat it is to sleep … terrifying.


Nahh 9 hours of sleep is just not feasible at the moment :skull: :skull:


That should be the dorm…but not so much lately.


I have been unable to go to sleep before 12 for like the last 5-7 years so I can’t relate unfortunately :skull: :sweat_smile:


Sleep really is important for our health…a really underrated factor to one’s wellbeing unfortunately… :sleeping: :sweat:

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It’s so important to get the right amount sleep


But it’s so hard to get the right amount of sleep :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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