How to bounce back after a mistake during an inverview

Interviews have always been one of the most stressful situations for many young people who have recently begun their job hunting. The pressure you feel while the interviewer is asking questions can be too overwhelming at times, so some responses may reflect one’s state of mind, leading an individual to say some unbelievably erroneous stuff. However, this is not uncommon and it happens to the best of us. So here are some tips to overcome the awkward moment of making a mistake during an interview:

  1. Acknowledge the mistake:
  • Be proactive in addressing the mistake as soon as you realise it. Waiting until the end of the interview might magnify the issue.
  • Use a confident and composed tone when acknowledging the mistake. Avoid appearing flustered or defensive.
  • Take responsibility for the error without making excuses. Simply admit that you misspoke or provided incorrect information.
  1. Correct the mistake:
  • Provide the correct information concisely and clearly. Avoid over-explaining or dwelling on the mistake.
  • If the mistake was a factual error, offer the accurate information and, if possible, provide a brief explanation to contextualize it.
  • If the mistake was a misinterpretation of a question, clarify your understanding and offer a revised response.
  1. Maintain composure:
  • Take a moment to collect yourself before continuing with the interview. Deep breathing or a quick mental reset can help you regain focus.
  • Remember that interviewers understand that candidates may experience nerves or occasional slip-ups. How you handle the mistake can often be more telling than the mistake itself.
  • Avoid letting the mistake distract you from the remainder of the interview. Stay engaged and attentive to each question and opportunity to showcase your qualifications.
  1. Move on:
  • Once you’ve addressed the mistake and provided the correct information, shift your focus back to the interview. Dwelling on the error can hinder your performance in the rest of the conversation.
  • Use the remaining questions or discussion points to demonstrate your expertise, enthusiasm for the role, and alignment with the company’s values and goals.
  • Approach each subsequent question with confidence, trusting in your ability to effectively communicate your qualifications and suitability for the position.
  1. Highlight your strengths:
  • Emphasize your strengths, achievements, and relevant experiences throughout the remainder of the interview.
  • Use specific examples to illustrate your skills and capabilities, demonstrating how you’ve successfully tackled challenges or contributed to previous projects or roles.
  • Showcase your enthusiasm for the opportunity and your genuine interest in the company and the role you’re interviewing for.
  1. Follow up:
  • After the interview, consider sending a thoughtful thank-you email to the interviewer(s), expressing appreciation for their time and the opportunity to interview.
  • In your email, briefly acknowledge the mistake and provide any necessary corrections or clarifications. This demonstrates accountability and professionalism.
  • Reiterate your interest in the position and emphasize how your skills and experiences align with the requirements of the role.


Hey there! Thanks for sharing these awesome tips for handling mistakes during interviews. It’s such a relief to know that slip-ups happen to everyone and it’s all about how you bounce back, right?


Very useful tips! I definitely have made many mistakes at interviews haha Like the most recent interview wasn’t too bad, but i made a lot of small mistakes and left the interview thinking thay i surely failed. Only for them to invite me for a second round lf interviews in 2 days😁 So definitely would recommend to try not to overthink it. At the end of the day, the interview is in the past and you can’t change anything now


Interviews can indeed be nerve-wracking experiences, especially for those just starting their job hunt. It’s reassuring to know that making mistakes during interviews is something many of us encounter, regardless of our level of experience. These tips offer valuable guidance on how to navigate those moments of error with grace and professionalism.


That’s great, congrats for making it to the second round!! We always focus on the small details and overanalyse what we said during an interview, but I don’t think interviwers are that attentive tbh :sweat_smile:


Great that you think the tips are useful!! I hope you are gonna use them if (hopefully not) the time comes!!


Indeed - you should keep going no matter what if you want to still make the most of that interview and stand out as a good canditate. Gotta show that you are up for the job, right??


Nah i think they genuinely forget most of the interview by the end of the day. Like with the amount of candidates they interview in a day, do we really think if you mispronounced a word, for example? Like ain’t no way🤣


Fr ahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ooo makes sense