How to hype yourself up before an interview

Interviews are very stressful, so we need to find a way to loosen ourselves right before it so that the interviewer does not know how stressed we are actually feeling and to appear confident!

Here are some tips to follow:

1. Reflect on your career highlights: Take a moment to ponder your career achievements—those standout moments where you’ve made a real difference, tackled tough challenges, and positively impacted others’ lives. Rather than simply reciting your job history, focus on the accomplishments that truly resonate with you. Jot them down in your journal or notebook and revisit them whenever nerves creep in, especially on the morning of your interview. This exercise will reinforce your strengths and bolster your confidence.

2. Release stress through physical activity: If you’re feeling jittery or anxious, engage in physical activity to release built-up emotional energy. The night before your interview, go for a jog, join a dance class, or let off steam by punching a bag. Even belting out a song or yelling can help. Though it may sound intense, this physical release has proven effective in reducing stress and restoring calmness for many individuals over the years.

3. Foster a positive mindset and language: Maintain an optimistic outlook during the job search process. Combat doubts with affirmations like, “I hope this opportunity is perfect for me, but if not, something better awaits.” Prior to your interview, take a moment to acknowledge your positive qualities. Write down five affirmations about yourself, such as your communication skills or intelligence, and read them aloud to reaffirm your self-worth.

4. Practice and visualize success: Rehearse your introduction in front of a mirror, exuding confidence as if you already have the job. Flash a smile and state your name with conviction. Envision yourself succeeding in the interview and confidently discussing your desired salary. This rehearsal helps reinforce your value and prepares you to present yourself confidently during the interview.

5. Seek encouragement: Receive a pep talk from a friend on the morning of your interview, reminding you of your capabilities and qualifications. Alternatively, watch a motivational video to boost your spirits and confidence. Surrounding yourself with positivity and encouragement can help alleviate pre-interview nerves.

6. Enhance your presence with scent: Boost your confidence by wearing your favourite cologne or perfume—the one that makes you feel empowered. Carry this sense of power and assurance with you into the interview, as it can significantly impact the impression you make on the interviewers.

7. Approach the interview with ease: Remember that the interviewers are just people like you—not hiring deities. View the interview as a stimulating conversation rather than an intimidating interrogation. Imagine they’ve already hired you, and the interview is just an opportunity to gather more information about you. Relax, be yourself, and present your best self confidently.


this is such a nice post!! i feel like everyone suffers from impostor syndrome to some extent but its super important to tell ourselves affirmations from time to time to build confidence!

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I know right?? We all need to tell ourselves that we deserve to reach the final interview stage and shine during the interview tbh

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All great advice! I tend to find practice and visualising success really helpful :smile:


this really helps, feeling confident and good about yourself is very important during an interview

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these tips are golden! Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but these suggestions make so much sense. I love the idea of enhancing your presence with scent I think it can also work with doing your makeup!

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Reflecting on achievements and staying positive are game-changers. What’s your go-to method for shaking off interview jitters?


such a motivational post!


Right in time, as I have an interview on Wednesday. What helps me, is that i remind myself that I wouldn’t even be invited for an interview, if the recruiter didn’t already think that I’m going to be a good fit for the company! After that, it’s all about the right attitude :grin:


Glad to know that it helped! I hope your interview went well!!

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Having a great perception of yourself helps build your confidence! So acknowledge that you are good and the interviewer will see that as well! Just radiate confidence!

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I usually use the 4-7-8 technique right before getting into the interview…here’s how to do it:

  1. First, let your lips part. Make a whooshing sound,
    exhaling completely through your mouth.
  2. Next, close your lips, inhaling silently through your
    nose as you count to four in your head.
  3. Then, for seven seconds, hold your breath.
  4. Make another whooshing exhale from your mouth for eight

Glad you have enjoyed it!


never heard of this technique but it seems great! will be using it in the future thanks!


It actually did! So looking forward to hearing back now :grin:

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