'My son had a stroke when he was 12 minutes old'

Two mothers are advocating for the establishment of a childhood strokes registry in the UK after their sons suffered strokes at very young ages. Austin experienced a stroke just 12 minutes after birth, while Bayley had one at the age of two. These cases underscore the urgency of better understanding and addressing childhood strokes, which affect around 400 children annually in the UK.

Austin’s mother, Rachel, recalls the shock of learning about her newborn’s stroke and the subsequent uncertainty about his future development. Now six years old, Austin faces challenges in walking, talking, and using his arm and hand due to the stroke. Rachel emphasizes the need for a registry to track pediatric stroke cases, providing essential information for better treatment and support.

Consultant pediatric neurologist Dr. Shakti Agrawal supports the call for a registry, highlighting the importance of understanding the consequences of strokes on children’s learning, cognition, and behavior. While strokes in children are rare, they can have severe impacts and require specialized care.

Elise, another mother, shares her son Carter’s experience of having a stroke at two years old, emphasizing the uncertainty and fear surrounding the event. Carter’s rehabilitation journey highlights the resilience of young stroke survivors and the importance of ongoing support and research.

The establishment of a childhood strokes registry is crucial for improving awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of pediatric stroke cases. Despite challenges such as funding limitations, stakeholders, including the Stroke Association and NHS, recognize the need for better data collection and research to support affected children and their families.


Dr. Agrawal’s support for the registry emphasizes the importance of understanding the full spectrum of consequences these strokes can have on children’s development and well-being. While pediatric strokes are rare, their effects can be devastating, making specialized care and research imperative.


so incredibly sad


This is really interesting, How do strokes affect a child’s ability to develop, I know they can be damaging to speech and sight, is this something children are able to overcome or is damage long-lasting ?

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Their moms are doing amazing work by pushing for a registry

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Second this question! Is the recovery process any different from when having a stroke as an adult?

The fundamental principles of stroke recovery are similar between adults and children, but there are some differences. Children’s brains are more adaptable, they’re still developing, and long-term implications may require ongoing support.

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Oh, wow. Would have never presumed this🫨 Thank you for the answer!