🦺 Safety First: How to Stay Safe During Freshers Week

Freshers week is the start of an exciting chapter filled with the chance to meet new people and take part in a variety of fun activities! During this time, it is vital to prioritise your safety by being aware of your surroundings and making informed choices so you can enjoy the university experience without any worries. Here is your guide to staying safe while still having a good time during freshers week:

1. Keep an Eye on Your Belongings

  • It is easy to get caught up in enjoying freshers week but don’t let that stop you from taking care of your valuables such as your phone or bag, as freshers tend to be easy targets for criminals.

2. Stay in a Group

  • When exploring a new, unfamiliar area, it is strongly recommended to travel in a group, especially at night. This way, you can all look out for each other, while also staying safe.

3. Don’t Leave Your Drink Unattended

  • Never leave your drink unattended, as there is a huge risk that it may get spiked. Make sure you don’t accept a drink from strangers either. If you have any doubts, do not drink it and let a member of staff know.

4. Familiarise Yourself With the Area

  • Navigating a new area can feel quite daunting, so it is always a good idea to get to know your local area. You can start by locating the closest food spots, GP, bus stop, train station, and library.

5. Practice the Route Back to Your Accommodation or House

  • By practicing the route home from your university or the local town, it can ease the stress and anxiety that you may feel about getting back without getting lost. Be patient, and you will know your way back in no time!

6. Don’t Feel Peer Pressured

  • A lot of freshers feel as though they should say yes to everything and anything in order to meet as many new people as possible. Although this is not the case. It is okay to say no to things that you wouldn’t normally do. Remember to make the right choices and stick to what you are truly comfortable with.

7. Don’t Give Out Personal Information

  • During freshers week, you will meet a lot of people, and it can be easy to overshare as you are keen to make new friends. This is perfectly normal, however, there are some things that you should keep private, such as your address and phone number.

8. Charge Your Phone

  • It may seem obvious, but don’t forget to charge your phone before going out and about in a completely new area. There will be many times when you will be relying on your phone to pay for things, use Google Maps, take photos, or contact a friend or family member. Carrying around a portable charger is particularly useful.

9. Keep Emergency Money

  • You never know when you might need some emergency money. It is always better to have some just in case. You may need to take a taxi home after a night out in a new town or city.

10. Use Reputable Transport

  • Ensure that you are using trustworthy modes of transport, such as a reputable taxi company or a university shuttle bus service. Where possible, pre-book your rides using trusted apps.

With these tips in mind, you will be well equipped to have fun while keeping safety your number one priority. By making the right decisions, being aware of your surroundings, and looking out for yourself and others, you are guaranteed to have a wonderful and safe freshers week!


This is such a useful guide for freshers week! I’m super excited but also a bit anxious about staying safe. Do you have any tips on how to balance having fun and staying cautious without feeling too paranoid? Also, what’s the best way to meet new people if I’m not really into the big party scene?


It can be challenging to balance having fun while also paying attention to your surroundings but definitely achievable! I would recommend to plan ahead, which would include having a reliable plan to get home safely, letting a friend or family member know your location, saving important contact information in your phone beforehand e.g. the campus security, and scheduling regular check-ins throughout the event to make sure that you and your friends are okay. This way, you can have fun knowing that you have prepared well in advance before the events. I am also not into the party scene either but was extremely glad to know that there are so many more ways of meeting new people! The best way would be to attend the wide variety of events that universities tend to hold such as exhibitions, movie nights, cultural events, sports activities, and games nights.


What additional strategies can students implement to build a supportive community during Freshers Week while also prioritizing their safety?

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