Talking therapy may help menopause mood - study

A study conducted by UCL suggests that mindfulness, group therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) could effectively alleviate menopause symptoms like low mood and anxiety. The research, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, analyzed 30 studies involving 3,500 women across 14 countries, including the UK, US, and Australia.

The draft NHS guidelines propose offering CBT alongside or instead of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), providing more options for GPs and patients. HRT, which replaces hormones like estrogen or progestogen, can be administered through various methods such as gels, creams, tablets, or sprays. Psychosocial therapies like group counseling, marital support, health-promotion coaching, mindfulness, and CBT focus on developing coping strategies, behavioral patterns, and relaxation techniques. The UCL researchers advocate for empowering women through positive thinking, with CBT being the most cost-effective option due to its shorter timeframe for achieving results. Some women experienced significant improvements in anxiety and depression following CBT and mindfulness therapies compared to alternative treatments.


It’s fascinating to see how research is exploring alternative therapies like mindfulness, group therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to alleviate menopause symptoms.

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it’s great to see alternative options being explored, especially when pharmaceutical treatment can have so many side effects. will be sending this to my mum :rofl:

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