What is a public affairs consultant?

Public affairs consultants, will draw on their understanding and knowledge of the political system to offer political and public policy advice to their clients. Clients range from private sector companies to trade unions but can also include overseas governments and NGOS.

Consultants are expected to have a depth of knowledge and a constant awareness of political ongoings this means that political intelligence, personal contacts and a constant monitoring of political developments are useful for the role.

Key stakeholders will also need to be identified in the decision-making process at European, national, regional and local government levels. You’ll work to maintain relationships with these individuals whilst supporting your clients interests.


  • monitoring the activities of Parliament, Whitehall and other relevant bodies and organisations
  • raising the profile of an organisation or client
  • lobbying
  • public relations work
  • providing strategic communications advice
  • providing public affairs support.

What can you expect to do?

  • monitor proceedings and provide analysis of activities in the Houses of Parliament, government departments, European institutions, political parties, local government, think tanks, pressure groups, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other bodies in order to keep clients informed of any developments related to their field of activity
  • read parliamentary publications and printed transcripts, such as Hansard, and monitor other activities such as debates, questions, committee enquiries, statements, reports, regulations and legislation
  • assist with research and draft written submissions to government consultations and select committee inquiries
  • research, forecast and evaluate the effects of public policy on an organisation using public sources, political intelligence and personal contacts
  • write newsletters, briefings, campaign material and press releases
  • attend select committee hearings, party conferences and other events
  • establish and maintain two-way communication with relevant official bodies and stakeholders
  • maintain regular contact, in person and in writing, with politicians, civil servants and staff in local authorities, and regulatory bodies to brief them on clients’ work and concerns
  • respond to public policy threats and opportunities
  • maintain relationships with existing stakeholders and develop new business
  • provide media management and other publicity activities
  • review the effectiveness of previous activities, and how the client is viewed by political and other stakeholders.

What to expect ?

  • While the work of a junior account executive is largely office-based, it also involves some visits to clients and attendance at meetings, conferences and other events. More senior staff visit clients on a regular basis.
  • Self-employment is possible after several years. You may be able to use your experience and contacts to set up your own consultancy or undertake freelance work.
  • Most political consultancies are located in London or Brussels, although there are a significant number in Edinburgh and, to a lesser extent, Cardiff and Belfast.
  • A smart appearance is essential when meeting clients and contacts.

Work experience

Competition for posts is fierce and you’ll need experience related to politics in order to develop the necessary skillset and contacts. This experience is usually gained through:

  • voluntary work or internships, such as working for an MP, MSP or MEP, peer or a member of another political institution (see Working for an MP (W4MP) jobs for vacancies)
  • an undergraduate internship with a public affairs consultancy
  • involvement with a political party, for example as a political party agent or activist, trade union, think tank or employers’ organisation
  • involvement in student politics or holding office in a students’ union
  • campaigning work for a charity or pressure group
  • a work placement (stage) within one of the European Union institutions.

It’s vital to network as much as possible in order to establish and develop a relationship with decision-makers, influencers and those who lobby them. Try to attend debates, political seminars and receptions as well as party conferences to meet key contacts and make use of the membership lists held by professional bodies.

Where to look for job roles ?
Public affairs consultancies may be independent or part of a larger PR or communications company. For a list of professional political practitioners, ranging from sole traders to large firms, see the Public Affairs Register.

Some consultancies specialise in particular areas, such as monitoring and intelligence gathering, while others provide a ‘full service’. Similarly, some consultancies focus on particular industries, whereas others provide a generalist service.

Several of the larger PR agencies have a specialist public affairs or government relations division.

With experience, it’s possible to work as a freelance public affairs consultant.

Look for job vacancies at:

Specialist recruitment agencies such as Hanson Search advertise vacancies on their websites.

Consider making speculative applications to consultancies. Contact details for lobbying and public affairs consultancies are available from:


Super detailed, thank you for sharing!


It’s fascinating to see how their expertise spans political systems and policy advice for diverse clients.