Blood tests may show which women would benefit most from taking anastrozole to prevent breast cancer

A study led by Queen Mary University of London found that blood tests measuring hormone levels can help identify post-menopausal women at higher risk of breast cancer who would benefit the most from aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole.

The research, published in Lancet Oncology, analysed data from the IBIS-II prevention trial and revealed a 55% reduction in cancer risk with anastrozole, particularly in women with higher oestrogen levels. The findings suggest that inexpensive blood tests can improve the selection of women who would benefit most from the medication, balancing cancer risk and side effects.


ntriguing findings from Queen Mary University! Blood tests measuring hormone levels could be a game-changer in identifying post-menopausal women at higher breast cancer risk who would benefit most from aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole. The study’s insights hold significant potential for personalized and more effective prevention strategies.

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