Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 - Just released

Gender pay gap report


Gender pay gap

The gender pay gap is the difference in average pay between all men and women in an organisation. It is expressed as a difference in percentage (%) between men and women.

Equal pay

The gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman.

Mean pay gap

The mean pay gap is the difference in the arithmetic average hourly pay for women compared to men, within an organisation.

Median pay gap

The median represents the middle point of a population. If you lined up all the women in an organisation and all the men in order of the hourly rate at which they are paid, the median pay gap is the difference between the hourly rate for the middle woman compared to that of the middle man.

Hourly gender pay gap

  • Our mean hourly pay gap is 6.3% in favour of men, a reduction from 7.1% in 2022.
  • Our median hourly pay gap is 3.0% in favour of men, an increase from 1.2% in 2022.

Gender bonus gap

  • 83.9% of women were awarded a bonus, an increase of 0.5% since 2022.
  • 79.5% of men were awarded a bonus, a decrease of 0.6% since 2022.
  • The mean bonus pay gap is –1.9% in favour of women, decreasing from 3.3% since 2022.
  • The median bonus pay gap is 0.0%, remaining at a constant since 2022.

Pay by quartile

  • Figure 2 shows hourly pay, by quartile for the Authority and shows there is a higher proportion of women (compared to men) in all quartiles except the upper pay quartile where the numbers of men and women are equal.
  • The upper pay quartile is mostly populated by higher paid grades, specifically the Senior Civil Service, Grade 6 and Grade 7. Actions have therefore been focused on increasing representation of women in these grades. We are delighted to have made such progress, and we will continue to prioritise this in the coming year.

Figure 2: Distribution through each pay quartile

Pay quartile Women Men
Upper 50.0% 50.0%
Upper middle 56.5% 43.5%
Lower middle 61.1% 38.9%
Lower 58.1% 41.9%
Total 56.3% 43.6%

What do you make of the findings and what do you think could be done to combat this ?


It’s disheartening to see the gender pay gap persist, especially in the upper pay quartile. Do you think the measures taken to increase representation of women in higher-paid grades will have a significant impact, or do you believe more comprehensive changes are needed?


A horrible pay gap for sure. It’s refreshing to see the gap getting smaller, but it existing is very disheartening

I think more comprehensive changes are needed. Many women do the same jobs as men and aren’t being paid the same. Unfortunately I think some people view women who have taken time off to look after children or go on maternity leave as less experienced. However, in many cases they do their jobs equally as good as men, if not better.


Interesting report! It’s good to see progress in reducing the mean hourly pay gap, but the increase in the median hourly pay gap is concerning. The gender bonus gap seems to be narrowing, which is positive, but there’s still work to be done.

To combat these disparities, organisations could focus on promoting gender equality in leadership positions

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It’s interesting to see the distribution through each of the pay quartiles as it’s not what I expected