It's "Normal" for a female athlete to lose her period

In the world of sport, there is a common belief amongst coaches and athletes that it’s normal for female athletes to experience amenorrhea (the absence of a menstrual period) due to their rigorous training schedules.

So… it’s time for more discussion! Comment your thoughts or experiences below

:heart: Agree: If you think it’s normal and acceptable for female athletes to experience amenorrhea due to their rigorous training, drop a heart on this post

:+1: Disagree: If you believe that amenorrhea is a signal that something might be off and that it’s not a healthy norm, give us a thumbs up!

We’ll delve into the topic in detail next week… Stay tuned!

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As a professional athlete who’s spent 15 years performing on international level, i can tell that this is definitely not something i’d considered normal. No friends of mine, no teammates, and even competitiors that we knew had experienced this problem. I believe it has a direct connection to how you train, to your mental preparation, nutrition and many others factors. And in general, don’t think that conditions like that should be considered normal in any case

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You are spot on… unfortunately, it’s widely accepted - especially in certain aesthetic sports [dancing, gymnastics, swimming] by coaches that it’s ‘normal’ for females to lose their periods during intense training blocks. Sadly, it’s ‘common’ but definitely not normal. Still loads of education and awareness work to be done in this area