Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food

New findings, published in Nature Metabolism on March 1, 2024, reveal significant systematic changes across multiple organs during prolonged fasting periods. Researchers from Queen Mary’s Precision Healthcare University Research Institute and the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences show that health benefits beyond weight loss occur only after three days without food. Fasting, with its historical use in various cultures and religions, has shown potential therapeutic benefits beyond weight loss. Advanced techniques in protein measurement offer insights into molecular adaptations during fasting, paving the way for future therapeutic interventions, particularly for individuals unable to fast for medical reasons.


this is fascinating! It’s incredible to see how prolonged fasting affects our organs and health beyond just weight loss. Can’t wait to see how this research progresses and its potential for future therapeutic interventions :grin:

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with these new findings, do you think fasting could become a more widely accepted therapeutic intervention in the medical field?